

Low Carb


Sugar, Stress and Longevity

razorsedgeperformance, February 9 2017

The sugar "debate" is raging on heavily. Those on the low carb side are seeing links of high blood glucose to heart disease, hypertension, obesity and diabetes (those are just the obvious ones). Those on the other side are really just arguing for more plant based foods and balance, stating...

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Insulin and Heart Disease

razorsedgeperformance, August 30 2016

Do you still think heart disease comes from fat?? Think again. There is mounting research that suggests that insulin and heart disease are linked, so step away from the refined carbs and sugar. [caption id="attachment_110969" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Insulin will follow[/caption] I've mentioned a few other times how insulin is having...

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Cutting Carbs, Setting Records

razorsedgeperformance, July 26 2016

This guy is an absolute beast who proves that cutting carbs might be optimal for you. He combines athletic training and a low carb lifestyle to live his optimal life. His name is Dr. Shawn Baker, or @SbakerMD on Twitter. (He was also recently featured on the Joe Rogan Experience)...

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