

Six Pack


Nutrition mistakes: Bars

razorsedgeperformance, June 15 2012

Being a fitness and nutrition expert, I see all the scams that many other people fall for. Just like I probably fall for buying useless extended warranties, sometimes you just believe in the hype when you don't know any better. In this case, the scam that bothers me to no...

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The Truth About Ab Training

razorsedgeperformance, November 9 2011

You've seen it written on this site and you've probably read it before;crunches will not reduce stomach fat!! It's that simple. Yet I know that many people who are going to the gym simply don't get it. The reason I know this is because I see people doinga "core day"...

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Miracles are meant for the movies...

razorsedgeperformance, September 19 2011

I can never truly decide what people believe. I always assume that they don't believe the commercials, the tabloids, and some of the daytime talk shows. Unfortunately, I think many still do. There is no acai berry secret weight loss diet. There is no grapefruit makes-my-belly-go-away diet. Body transformation is...

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Abs vs The Core

razorsedgeperformance, June 29 2011

It's really starting to heat up in Toronto, which means everyone forgets about function and starts focusing on their beach body. This is a good segway to broach the topic of core training and the mythical 6-pack. First the 6 pack. Everybody has the determinant of how well they...

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Putting Protein on a Pedestal

razorsedgeperformance, March 22 2011

I thought people were becoming more educated about food and their diets...turns out I was wrong. With new clients one of the first questions I ask is always, what are you eating? Or How's your diet? Most people are pretty confident about their diet or say something like, "I eat...

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